Monday, January 16, 2012

Washington, DC

Scott Morgan brings years of teaching and meditation practice to Daisy Pascualvaca Ph. D. and Associates (  Scott’s background is in science communication, teaching at the National Institutes of Health since 1994. He authored the book Speaking about Science (Cambridge University Press, 2006) and lectures across the country for various organizations and universities. Scott also facilitates communication skills for think tanks and leadership academies, and teaches speech and mindfulness at The Theatre Lab, Washington DC’s largest acting school. 

With Daisy Pascualvaca Ph. D. and Associates, Scott teaches meditation to children and their families (certified via Sarah Wood Vallely, 2011). This is a series of short classes that combines various techniques and exercises to help each person create greater mental focus. No matter what the goal, these methods become replicable tools to improve attention, self-control, effectiveness, and balance.  Please call 202.537.6155 for more information.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Asheville, North Carolina

Kids Love their Unique Mantras and Meditation Beads

Children ages 5 – 10 years old met with me after school at a local Charter School here in Asheville. After reading “The Magic Gum Tree – A Children’s Fantasy Story about Meditation”, I helped each child choose their own mantra to repeat during their meditation. I asked them to choose a two-syllable word or phrase that helped them feel relaxed. Some of the possibilities we talked about were “Feel Good”, “Relax”, and “Calming”. Some of the children even used the word “iPod”, since I let them pick their own.

Before the meditation, the children made clay beads and strung them on a piece of yarn. The children had at least 10 beads strung, a mixture of handmade and store-bought. When we meditated, the children pulled one bead across their string after each mantra they recited silently. Exactly what the character, Timber, learned how to do in “The Magic Gum Tree.”

Sarah Wood Vallely

Asheville, North Carolina

Sarah Wood Vallely
Author and meditation facilitator for both adults and children

Sarah teaches meditation to children. And trains adults how to teach meditation to children in classrooms, at home, and in therapeutic settings. Additionally, Sarah typically introduces children to meditation by teaching them a variety of meditation techniques from all over the world. Her students learn how to still their bodies by imagining themselves connected to the earth and still their minds by focusing on a beanie baby resting on their bellies while they take deep breaths. Her students also love to travel in their imaginations, which is an excellent way for them to develop an awareness of their internal thoughts and feelings.

Sarah’s cross cultural meditation training includes Insight Meditation (Buddhist), a four-year study with regression therapy master (Western Shamanism), Huna practitioner training (Hawaiian), Reiki, Level II (Japanese) and ongoing Yoga instruction (Hindu).

Posting Guidelines – Facilitators PLEASE READ

You must have completed Sarah Wood Vallely’s Child Meditation Facilitators training to post here. You do not need to be certified, however. Child Meditation Facilitators, when posting on this blog you need to follow these guidelines.

You may post either a Profile, Upcoming Event, or an Update. And you don’t have to post a Profile before posting an event. Doesn’t matter.

Profile – basically a bio and explanation of what you do specifically in regards to teaching meditation to children.

Upcoming Event – Is a promotion of a meditation class you have planned. Time, location, and what your class will be about is listed here.

Update – This is an opportunity for you to let us know how you event went. Talk about the highlights and post some pictures if you can.

You can post as many of all three of these as you like. For example, you might want to post a new Profile every six months. The purpose of these posts is to lead readers back to you, so include your website and any other contact information you like.

You can also add your blog or a blog you like to the “Blog Role”, as long as it has something to do with teaching meditation to children. And add a book you recommend.

YOU MUST follow the format for each of the post types, Profile, Upcoming Event, and Update. Otherwise the post might be removed. You can find the format for each below:

What is in quotation marks is what you type. The rest are notes to help you. Feel free to copy and paste the template into your post and work from there.And feel free to comment on each others posts. It is great to feel support from your fellow classmates even if you did not participate in the same training.

Profile Template

Title of your post “City, State, Country” - This is the title of your post. Include your country if it is not the US.

Your first and last name” BOLD THIS
Titles or Credentials” Simply typing “Child Meditation Facilitator” or “Certified Child Meditation Facilitator” is fine but not required.

Write a paragraph or two about what you offer in regards to teaching meditation to children. Consider including the benefits your offer children. And what is your philosophy? Would you like to include prior experience that helps you be a great Child Meditation Facilitator.

Include a photo of yourself.

Your website
Your email
Your phone number” if you prefer.

Be sure to select a label for your post. These are either US States or Countries. If you country is not listed as a label, add it as a label.

Upcoming Event Template
Even if your class is not open to the public, feel free to post it anyway. Others might find it interesting to read about.

Post title “City, State, and Country”- This is the title of your post

Title of your event” BOLD THIS

Write a paragraph or two about your event. What might children gain from attending?  What is the main topic or theme of your class? Write a bit about who is teaching the class.

Include either a photo of you or of children. Even if they are not meditating, it gives a warm feel to your post.

Event Date and time
Event Location
Last day to sign up for the class if there is one.

Your name
Web site
Email address
Phone number

Be sure to select a label for your post. These are either US States or Countries. If you country is not listed as a label, add it as a label.

Update Template
Even if your class was not open to the public, feel free to post it anyway. Others might find it interesting to read about.

Post title “City, State, and Country” - This is the title of your post

Give your Update a snappy title” BOLD THIS

“Write a few paragraphs about your successful event. What was the age range of the students? What kind of activities did you do? What were some of the responses from the children during the class? Any feedback from the parents after the class?”

Include either a photo of you or of children. Even if they are not meditating, it gives a warm feel to your post. 

Your name
Web site
Email address
Phone number

Be sure to select a label for your post. These are either US States or Countries. If you country is not listed as a label, add it as a label.