Monday, January 16, 2012

Washington, DC

Scott Morgan brings years of teaching and meditation practice to Daisy Pascualvaca Ph. D. and Associates (  Scott’s background is in science communication, teaching at the National Institutes of Health since 1994. He authored the book Speaking about Science (Cambridge University Press, 2006) and lectures across the country for various organizations and universities. Scott also facilitates communication skills for think tanks and leadership academies, and teaches speech and mindfulness at The Theatre Lab, Washington DC’s largest acting school. 

With Daisy Pascualvaca Ph. D. and Associates, Scott teaches meditation to children and their families (certified via Sarah Wood Vallely, 2011). This is a series of short classes that combines various techniques and exercises to help each person create greater mental focus. No matter what the goal, these methods become replicable tools to improve attention, self-control, effectiveness, and balance.  Please call 202.537.6155 for more information.